Productivity is the New Yoga
My definition of what I need to cultivate a "healthy" lifestyle is shifting. Of course, being active and eating right are key to stable physical health – which feeds mental health. Over the years I've integrated myriad wellness habits to the point where they are inherent in my everyday. What I'm digging into now – voraciously reading about and integrating into my life – are happiness habits and productivity boosters. Everything from morning rituals and journaling; to apps and extensions that organize processes like to-do lists, finances and workflow. It's too much to go over in just one post, so I'll be sharing them piecemeal as their impact unfolds on my general well-being and mental fitness... Maybe it's the change of seasons, or the space that comes from my relative solitude in shoulder-season Cape Cod, but I am #obsessed with streamlining my creative processes and business growth right now.